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作者: 更新时间:2020-08-04 11:31:40 阅读:


  He is a bicycle doctor. 他是单车修理工.

  此句不能译作:”他是个骑单车的医生”,因句中的doctor是委婉语(euphemism),是对某种职业的美称,故不作”医生”解,而是表示repair man的涵义.

  委婉语起源于远古,维多利来女王时代中期为其鼎盛时期,在现代英语中,其出现频率依然颇高,因为人们通过委婉语,可以用温顺悦耳的词语去谈论或叙述一些原来令人不快或逆耳之事物.为此,他们用domestic help,day help或live-in help代替mail或servant(佣人); 以custodian或superintendent替代doorkeeper,caretaker或janitor(看门人或管理人);用She has a tile loose或She has a cylinder missing去代替She is crazy或She is not right in the head(神经失常).


  原 称      委 婉 语

  无线电修理工 radio electrician radio doctor

  理发师 barber cosmotologist

  whore working girl/ street girl

  家庭妇女 housewife household executive

  收垃圾工人 garbage collector sanitary engineer

  老年 old age second childhood

  老人 old people senior citizens

  假牙 false teeth dentures

  小解 piss urinate/ number one


  Nowadays many weight-watchers would like to go to the gym. 如今有不少胖人喜欢到健身房去锻炼.

  That luster has taken a fancy to Middle Eastern dancing. 那个好色之徒现在开始喜欢肚皮舞.

  They are the culturally deprived. 他们是没有学识的人.

  A libray of teaching materials for preventing teenage suicides will open for educators in Hong Kong this year. 今年香港将为教师开设一家图书馆以提供防止青少年^自傻的教学资料.



  You cannot be too careful. 你要特别小心.

  此句不能按字面译作:”你不能过分小心.”因为cannot...too是个固定结构,其义为”无论如何...也不过分”.如用英语阐述,上句相当于:You should be as careful as possible. 我们在学习英语的时候,遇到这类实际意义与其字面意义大相径庭的句子,必须小心区别,正确地理解其涵义.下面请看几个类例:

  We cannot recommend this book too strongly. 这本书很好,无论我们如何推荐也不过份.

  You can‘‘t be too careful in doing this experiment. 在做这个实验时,你们愈仔细愈好.

  One cannot be too careful in matters like that. 人们在处理这种事情时必须非常慎重.

  要注意的是,cannot...too有几个变体结构,我们可以用mpossible,difficult等字去代替cannot;以enough,difficulty,sufficiently,exaggerate,to over-等字去替代too.


  I couldn‘‘t get home fast enough. 我恨不得马上回到家里.

  You cannot take sufficient care. 你要特别小心.

  The importance of this session cannot be exaggerated. 这次大会极为重要.

  No man can have too many friends. 朋友愈多愈好.

  L.G.Alexander编著的”New Concept English”第二册其中一课”Do You Call That a Hat?”中有这么一段风趣的夫妻^对面,丈夫和妻子都用了这个句型的变体:

”I find it beautiful,” I said. ”A man can never have too many ties.”

”And a woman can‘‘t have too many hats,” she anwered.

”这条领带很漂亮,”我说道. ”男人的领带愈多愈好.”

”女人的也是愈多愈好啊,” 她答道.


  We cannot too strongly inculcate (or It would be impossible to over-estimate) the importance of more teacher training to deal with student problems and prevent teenage suicides in Hong Kong.

  The importance of the campaign against dogs in public housing estates in Hong Kong cannot be exaggerated.

  Do you know how to service this new-type machine?   

  你知道怎样维修这种新型的机器吗? 这一句不能译作:“你知道怎样使用这台新型的机器吗?”如要表达此义,应该说:Do you know how to serve this new-type machine?

  在现代英语里,出现了一种用名词作动词的倾向。 例如:to paper one‘‘s room; to bottle the fruit; to bandage up a wound; to oil a machine; to position a factory near the town; to pressure him to do so 等等。然而,某些名词作动词使用时,与原有动词的涵义有所不同,上面所述的to service和to serve的区别就是一个典型的例子。试对比下列各组词的不同涵义:

  to power       为……提供动力

  to empower      为……授与权力

  to site         为……提供场所

  to situate       位于;处于

  to package      给……打包装箱(美语)

  to pack        给……包装

  to loan        贷款

  to lend        出借;出租

  to decision      根据积分评定

  to decide       决定;判决

  应当在此指出,把名词作动词使用时必须要符合一条准则,那就是在找不到适当的动词表示涵义时,才能用名词作动词,否则就是滥用。因此,以to message代替 to send a message to;用to bill替代to charge to one‘‘s account;以to signature代替to sign或用to suspicion 去替代to suspect都是不妥当的。然而,我们又应该注意到,在现代英语中,把名词作为动词使用的现象是很普遍的,而且有日渐增多的倾向。下面是一些从英美书刊中信手拈来的例子:

  Tom has his car serviced (=maintained) regularly.

  Mr. Smith has authored (=written) a book on AIDS.

  You must pressure (=force) him to do it.

  Her dress is pattermed upon (=made from) a paris model.

  Dick is the man who used to partner Mary.

  Opposition to the war snowballed.

  We shall book through to Hong Kong.

  Don‘‘t fool away your time, my boy!

  Mr. Smith noons for half an hour every day.

  They have husbanded their farms very well.

  Students in Hong Kong can view a collection of more than 1oo rare species of goldfish in the Ocean park.



  I couldn‘‘t have got to Slough in time unless I‘‘d had a helicopter.除非我有一架直升, 否我是不可能在那候到S地的.   

  一般的英法和典都到, 接unless的涵和if...not相同,它可以互使用. 例如: I shan‘‘t go unless he asks me.等于I shan‘‘t go if he does not ask me. (Eckersley‘‘s A comprehensive English Grammar); You will fail unless you work harder. 等于You will fail if you do not work harder.(A.S. Hornby‘‘s The A^***anced Learner‘‘s Dictionary of Current English).其, 的提法是不全面的, 因存在著么一: unless和 if...not是否在各合下都能互使用呢? 以上例--I couldn‘‘t have got to Slough in time unless I‘‘d had a helicopter. 例探一下.

  此句引自外刊. 人被控犯了罪, 在法庭他自:”生此案,我并不在S地, 而是在S地几十里外的另一小上, 于我可以提供人......”.接著他道:”I couldn‘‘t have got to Slough in time unless I‘‘d had a helicopter.”如果遵照一般法所述的公式: unless=if...not, 此句改作I couldn‘‘t have got toSlough in time if I‘‘d not had a helicopter, 那生怎的后果呢? 若改作if...not,其涵是: I did have a helicopter and I did get to Slough in time to commit the murder.而易, 并不是衽所想的. 此, unless是在大多合下可if...not互使用,但在某些合里(例如在某些用的句子里)不能相互置,否它生截然相反的涵.   

  值得注意的是, unless用在句中, 存在著可能性. 在某些句子中,它表示if...not的涵, 可以和if...not互使用. 例如:   

  Unless you had lent me a hand, I should not have fulfilled my task. = If you had not lent me a hand, I should not have fulfilled my task. 要不是你忙, 我是不可能完成任的.  


  然而, 在另一些合里, unless并不是表示 if...not的涵, 而是表示近似于but...if的涵.候, 可以改but...if, 但不能用if...not去替代. 例如, 衽在法庭上所的那一句, 可以改:   

  I could not have got to Slough, but I could have got to Slough if I had had a helicopter.

  有一注意的是, unless句型和if...not句型具有的倏色彩和表格,前者是的法, 度明朗, 有力; 后者是退一步的法, 度含糊, 弱力.

  在, 你能否出下列句子的不同涵?   

  I should not expect their help unless they were my friends.   

  I Should not expect their help if they were not my friends.


  He is a good sailor.他不会晕船.

  此句不能译作: ”他是一个好水手.” 如要表达此义, 应该说: He is a skilled seaman.He is a good sailor. 的真正涵义是: He is not liable to seasickness.或He is seldom seasick in rough weather. 因此, a good sailor 的内涵是: ”不会晕船”.

  四十年代出版的一本《英汉四用辞典》把He is a good sailor. 译作:”他是一个好水手,因为它没有把这个句子的真正涵义表达出来.  


  What kind of sailor are you? 你晕不晕船?   

  I‘‘m a bad sailor.{或I‘‘m not much of a sailor.} 我会晕船的.   

  Are you a good sailor? 你会晕船吗?   

  Yes, I‘‘m a good sailor. 我不会晕船.

  从上面的例句可看出, a bad sailor是a good sailor的相对语, 因此,它也不能照译作:”一个坏水手”, 而应译作:”会晕船”或”容易晕船”. 请再看下面几个例句:  

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